Tuesday 5 January 2016

#pennysparrow #racistsmustfall ||| #MORE

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when I realized I HAD to write this post... But had so much running through my mind that I didn't know where to begin!!!
#Pennysparrow along with #racistsmustfall: The new trends on twitter in South Africa at the moment, which started on Saturday the 2nd of Jan 2016... I only heard about it however on the radio (METROFM), 4th Jan 2016 on my way to work.
The trending woman's name is Penny Sparrow, a KZN resident, (ex) estate agent under a company called Jawitz {I say 'ex' because apparently she was fired}.
So it all started when #PennySparrow posted on her facebook page: [see below]
penny sparrow original post
What a shocking post I know, especially after so many years of "democracy" .. or rather "anti-apartheid" which initially equaled the elimination of racism too.[clearly not all of it]
Alright I know racism will always be there, it exist in all parts of the world...But is it still racism when its silent? I bet most people if not every single person is/are racist(s), be it secretly so; when they are with their own, or publicly even to an extent of social media (the most fast and effective tool of communication ever created). 
--What I think of this is that, yes I fully agree that racism is very wrong, but so is stealing, so is cursing, sex before marriage, adultery and many other things.. many other things which seem better off done privately/secretly. Racism is one of them, I think it would have been better off, for her, to have kept it all to herself or maybe to people of her kind. Because once racism is publicized or voiced out, its not about being opinionated anymore but rather about being offensive, disrespectful and not caring one bit about what another person could feel about it.
Anyways back to the publicly racist Penny, she posted an "apology" too after being "fired" by the company she worked for: [see apology below]

penny apology
The Durban beach crowd #Pennysparrow was reffering to...
listen to her defending her statement: http://www.news24.com/Live/SouthAfrica/News/listen-it-is-just-how-they-are-penny-sparrow-defends-monkey-comments-20160104
I personally think what highlighted Penny's racism was her continuous mention of "blacks" and "these people" as if they not human beings like her... her racism was not even made up by her comparison to monkeys, but fact that she is a white person implying that "Black people" are not human!
So on Monday morning, Phat Joe - METROFM calls her for a telephonic interview and starts off the conversation with "Metro fm? the station for black people?" , and that was just very appalling, and when I had thought it couldn't get any worse, she proceeds making more racist remarks on air.

So I'm sitting there wondering Is this real?
Is this really a person that has secured employment in South Africa, has a family here and also claims to have been "educated" and "civilized"? If this really is what "Educated people" do then and say about fellow human beings, then I don't think I fall in the category of "Educated people". 
Yes an opinion is an opinion and the Bill of Rights (Bill of Rights - South African Government) states that everyone has the right to freedom of expression [This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without inference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.]... however [the exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others.]
Hence Democratic Alliance has laid criminal charges against Penny Sparrow, for investigation of Crimen Injuria for infringing the dignity of all South Africans and for dehumanising black South Africans.
Now I say if the person on MetroFM was really #pennysparrow then she truly deserves all that's coming to her, she proper disrespected and offended the majority of South African citizens which sadly for her did not take it light at all.

What she's even doing in Africa to begin with? 
In a black rooted, Black-People filled continent where we have so many monkeys(real animals by the way) in all 53 countries, yes monkeys of all kinds like she mentioned on metro saying : "There are many different kinds of monkeys, maybe if I had said Baboons then they(blacks by the way) could have then taken it negatively.. But I love monkeys, and I meant the cute little monkeys that even I feed at the zoo"

How she can even mention Education when there isn't any on her so called "statement"?
Won't even get much into this but quote  article: 
In her post, Sparrow claims that “these monkeys that are allowed to be released on New Years Eve[sic] and new years day[sic] on to public beaches towns etc obviously have no education what so ever [sic] and to allow them loose is inviting huge dirt and discomfort to others.” 
“From now,” she adds, “I.[sic] Shall [sic] address the blacks of South Africa as monkeys as I see the cute little wild monkeys do the same pick drop and litter [sic]”.
Notice [sic] on these quoted post, The Latin adverb sic ("thus"; in full: sic erat scriptum, "thus was it written") inserted after a quoted word or passage, indicates that the quoted matter has been transcribed exactly as found in the source text, complete with any erroneous or archaic spelling,
surprising assertion, faulty reasoning, or other matter that might otherwise be taken as an error of transcription.

So finally I wonder what animal she and the 15 people that Liked her facebook post would compare these white people crowded at the UK beach and the dirt they left behind?

And if its indeed the dirt she speaks of, that got her disrespecting black people and saying they are not messy.. Are they not the ones most white people slave into cleaning up their mess in their houses? Oh well, that's my #Pennysparrow blog, #racistsmustfall #pennysparrowmustfall
Oh by the way, she wasn't the only one that decided to run up to facebook putting racist posts. Justin van vuuren posted too: [see below]
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This post is even worse with disrespect... Sies!
At least #pennysparrow "lost her job" and has a case opened against her... What will happen to #Justinvanvuurenisracist2!


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