Tuesday 12 July 2016

OMG Major Major Throwback - Who remembers PAPA SAN??

Found myself singing this very old song this morning, in all honesty I never really thought this was a serious song.. I sing it sometimes, but just as a jump in to my childhood memories.

Since it's a Tuesday and because Google... ;)
I typed in "naahhhh I cant take it no-more song" on the search panel *LOL*, and 'Papa San' came up, with 'Maddy Maddy Cry' as the first result of a YouTube link.


Papa San - Maddy Maddy Cry (Lawd mi can't tek it no mo)

So I got very curious to now know the lyrics because "can't take it no-more" was all I remember knowing on this song. Googled the lyrics so that I can sing along with the YouTube video.
And these are the lyrics, never in a million years could I have thought this could be what the song was saying:

"Lawd me can't tek it no more, give me back the woman that you give me before
Lawd God me can't tek it no more, give me back the woman that you give me

After half pint tek wey me girl Winsome, laugh after me and tek it for funThen me go back and talk to blossom and she gone left me tru no money naw runSearching for a girl and me couldnt get none, when mi find one she said me hav fi Pay downNow me confuse and mi no know wey fi tun, an a goin back a bag an go a New Kingston

Lawd me can't tek it no more, give me back the woman that you give me beforeLawd me can't tek it no more, mi cry and mi cry till mi eye dem sore

Mi first girl gone and they say a mi fault, and the rest of dem say me dirt too saltIf she just came and hear what mi a say do you think mi a sit down and a bawl so todayI wish she could come along and spend some time, only that alone could mek me feel fineOnly God knows that mi really need her, an the reason mi a cry mi no want to kill myself

Lawd me can't tek it no more, give me back the woman that you give me beforeLAWD! Me can't tek it no more, mi cry and mi cry till mi eye dem soreLawd (sobbing)Lawd me can't tek it no more, give me back the woman that you give me before

Move from me back you no know how mi a feel, you think a idiot business, this is realMan just cool and just leave me alone an come out a mi yard and the whole a you go home

Lawd! Me can't tek it no more, give me back the woman that you give me before

LAWD! Me can't tek it no more, mi cry and mi cry till mi eye dem sore
(Unintelligible sobbing)
Lawd me can't tek it no more, give me back the woman that you give me beforeLAWD! Me can't tek it no more, mi cry and mi cry till mi eye

After half pint tek wey me girl Winsome, laugh after me and tek it for fun\Then me go back and talk to blossom and she gone left me tru no money naw runSearching for a girl and me couldnt get none, when mi find one she said me hav fi Pay downNow me confuse and mi no know wey fi tun, an a goin back a bag an go a New Kingston

Lawd! Me can't tek it no more, give me back the woman that you give me before
LAWD! Me can't tek it no more, mi cry and mi cry till mi eye dem sore."

Monday 27 June 2016


This may be way overdue... But I feel like the world needs to know.

So on the 18th of June, “"WE"” was having a lazy COLD Saturday.
A lovely cook in, glued to the TV type of weekend, with series and movie marathons.
Gee it was a great Saturday; "we" made breakfast together, had beautifully made lovely filtered coffee, and had the best company anyone can ever ask for.

Anyway enough about We's day and cut to the topic at hand.
The annual “Castle Lite Extra Cold Concert” was unlocking J.Cole... Yes, Jay Effin Cole!!!

Tickets to the show surfaced, and “we” being “we”, jumped at them.
So I happened to be there too... I have proof on Instagram, *lol*
Not knowing who the opening acts were, the anticipation of seeing South Africa’s top Hip Hop artists bracing the stage was on absolute fire.

If I remember well I think the first one to hit the stage was EmTee, he was OK.
His live band just didn’t do it for me though; actually “We” didn’t like it either.
Plus there were just way too many people on stage, and this made it hard to hear and see what exactly they were trying to say and do.

Ok fast forward to my Best act, the unexpected major highlight of my performers for that evening..
Not J.Cole no, he brought fire yes but that I was expecting that... It was his show after all, so he had to deliver *otherwise, lol* , oh and Believe me He DELIVERED for sure..
The “Coca Cola Dome” or rather “TicketPro Dome” was filled up to the T (I think). And people were singing to his every song, it was amazing to witness moments where he sort of started tearing up with disbelief from the amount of people there and the support and the fact that they knew words to his every song. Should anyone complain of dissatisfaction from J.Cole’s overall performance, it’ll have to be one of those people who don’t know what they want.

The Big Big Deal for me was definitely Nasty-C... This boy though!!!
Not only is he sooo cute, but he has some sick talent too.
Now I found his Flow amazingly Rhythmical;
He’s got absolute Poetic Lyrical Content;
His Stage Presence was overwhelming;
His Crowd Involvement was smooth and proper;
NASTY-C was born for this!!!


I was fascinated by this boy that I did a little task to find out a little something more about him. And I found that his full name is Msikayesizwe David Ngcobo, born in 1997. He originates from Durban in KZN, and not only is he a rapper but he’s a lyricist and a producer too. He looks up to and is motivated by AKA, Khuli Chana, and Reason (can’t say I’m surprised, these guys are good).

With all that said, I wish him (Nasty-C) all the best in his musical career. And I like the fact that he’s doing all this while in school (Best of Luck on his exams too)...

Wednesday 22 June 2016


Now this here follows my previous post about Brian Temba’s single “Lost Without You”.
It turns out my source was absolutely truthful about the download date, because on Monday the 20th June 2016 the single was available for download on iTunes... Brilliant right?
I've been listening to it everyday maybe more than 10 times since then.

The link is down below: 

 Alright incase you’re uncertain or you're not with me:
“Lost Without You” is Brian Temba’s first single on his 3rd most highly anticipated R&B album titled “Back 2 Basics”. The song is amazing without a doubt, it has me excited to see how the video will be.

Well Brian, do NOT look too far for the video girl because I’m right here... Just tweet me (@Kokie_Molebale) "when and where". Notice I used “tweet” because you obviously don’t have my number, but you'd probably need them so hit me in the DM #winkwink.

As I promised the last time that I will share links to some of my favorites, check the list on the links below:

My faves on this album are:
1. Falling
2. Better Then
3. Midday Conversation
4. Desert Rose
5. Early Morning
6. Dominoes

1. Life Without Love
2. I'll Wait
3. When it's All Said and Done
4. Intliziyo (Ft Pu2ma)
5. Sekuyasa (It dawned on me)
6. It's the Way

For anything else connect with Me on social media(just click on the links):

Otherwise stay tuned for more posts on many other topics, like why Tshwane was set on fire and what I think of that(I might just make a video actually) ;). Don't forget to SHARE!!!

Monday 13 June 2016


Have you heard that Hot RnB Single titled "Lost Without You"?
The one that has lovers declaring their undying love for each other..
One that has ex-lovers idling down memory lanes missing each other..
Well if you haven't here's a link to listen: Hit Single "Lost Without You"

If you've heard this single, mostly on your local Radio Stations or seen its 'lyric video on YouTube'... then you would know without a doubt that it can only be South Africa's very own RnB sensation, singer/song-writer and producer Brian Temba on the melody.

I've seen and heard so many requests regarding the download link to the single, and since I have a source close to the hot mighty rnb guru himself, I've been whispered to that literally a week from today the single will be AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOADS. I swear I've never been this excited for a song's download availability like I was for this one.

Save the date you guys >>> Song Download "Date Countdown".

This single follows a promise of his 3rd studio album, which has my heart beating fast just thinking about it because it's been way overdue and personally I don't think I can wait any longer since the taste of his melody. The album already titled "Back 2 Basics" promises to take us 'back to the future' of South African RnB as it should be. In the many interviews I've heard and read Brian Temba claiming that "this will most definitely be an album to never forget"... and being the lover of his music that I am, I honestly believe him.

Brian Temba, born Brian Thembalethu Makiwane is a humble, romantic, soulful love-doctor with a unique voice and has shared stages with the likes of Ne-Yo, Anthony Hamilton and Kenny Lattimore to name a few. Describing his fans as his "Music Lovers" who contribute largely to his inspiration for making music, one can just tell his loyalty and love for his supporters. I've been to a couple of his music shows and I've never been disappointed. Probably because I might be looking way beyond his singing, I always get impressed by his audience involvement and his humble personality to go with it.

Here's a few clips that I've shot at his shows:
Live at Yamaha Theatre
Performing "Plenty Babies" with Kabomo & Afrotraction.
Brian being Funny with fellow artists at Cafe Del Khuze

Here's some of my Favorite songs from him:
When It's All Said and Done
Find It So Strange (with TK)
T.I.M.T (This Is My Time)

There's so many more from his very first album (Something Better), which I'll be sharing with you very soon. Stay tuned on this site for further updates, otherwise do like I've done and follow him on these platforms:

Soundcloud - Brian Temba
Facebook - Brian Temba
Twitter - @briantemba
Instagram - @briantemba
Reverbnation - Brian Temba
or Subscribe to his YouTube Channel : YouTube - Brian Temba.

Thanks for catching up, check you on my next post ;).

Tuesday 5 January 2016

#pennysparrow #racistsmustfall ||| #MORE

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when I realized I HAD to write this post... But had so much running through my mind that I didn't know where to begin!!!
#Pennysparrow along with #racistsmustfall: The new trends on twitter in South Africa at the moment, which started on Saturday the 2nd of Jan 2016... I only heard about it however on the radio (METROFM), 4th Jan 2016 on my way to work.
The trending woman's name is Penny Sparrow, a KZN resident, (ex) estate agent under a company called Jawitz {I say 'ex' because apparently she was fired}.
So it all started when #PennySparrow posted on her facebook page: [see below]
penny sparrow original post
What a shocking post I know, especially after so many years of "democracy" .. or rather "anti-apartheid" which initially equaled the elimination of racism too.[clearly not all of it]
Alright I know racism will always be there, it exist in all parts of the world...But is it still racism when its silent? I bet most people if not every single person is/are racist(s), be it secretly so; when they are with their own, or publicly even to an extent of social media (the most fast and effective tool of communication ever created). 
--What I think of this is that, yes I fully agree that racism is very wrong, but so is stealing, so is cursing, sex before marriage, adultery and many other things.. many other things which seem better off done privately/secretly. Racism is one of them, I think it would have been better off, for her, to have kept it all to herself or maybe to people of her kind. Because once racism is publicized or voiced out, its not about being opinionated anymore but rather about being offensive, disrespectful and not caring one bit about what another person could feel about it.
Anyways back to the publicly racist Penny, she posted an "apology" too after being "fired" by the company she worked for: [see apology below]

penny apology
The Durban beach crowd #Pennysparrow was reffering to...
listen to her defending her statement: http://www.news24.com/Live/SouthAfrica/News/listen-it-is-just-how-they-are-penny-sparrow-defends-monkey-comments-20160104
I personally think what highlighted Penny's racism was her continuous mention of "blacks" and "these people" as if they not human beings like her... her racism was not even made up by her comparison to monkeys, but fact that she is a white person implying that "Black people" are not human!
So on Monday morning, Phat Joe - METROFM calls her for a telephonic interview and starts off the conversation with "Metro fm? the station for black people?" , and that was just very appalling, and when I had thought it couldn't get any worse, she proceeds making more racist remarks on air.

So I'm sitting there wondering Is this real?
Is this really a person that has secured employment in South Africa, has a family here and also claims to have been "educated" and "civilized"? If this really is what "Educated people" do then and say about fellow human beings, then I don't think I fall in the category of "Educated people". 
Yes an opinion is an opinion and the Bill of Rights (Bill of Rights - South African Government) states that everyone has the right to freedom of expression [This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without inference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.]... however [the exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others.]
Hence Democratic Alliance has laid criminal charges against Penny Sparrow, for investigation of Crimen Injuria for infringing the dignity of all South Africans and for dehumanising black South Africans.
Now I say if the person on MetroFM was really #pennysparrow then she truly deserves all that's coming to her, she proper disrespected and offended the majority of South African citizens which sadly for her did not take it light at all.

What she's even doing in Africa to begin with? 
In a black rooted, Black-People filled continent where we have so many monkeys(real animals by the way) in all 53 countries, yes monkeys of all kinds like she mentioned on metro saying : "There are many different kinds of monkeys, maybe if I had said Baboons then they(blacks by the way) could have then taken it negatively.. But I love monkeys, and I meant the cute little monkeys that even I feed at the zoo"

How she can even mention Education when there isn't any on her so called "statement"?
Won't even get much into this but quote  article: 
In her post, Sparrow claims that “these monkeys that are allowed to be released on New Years Eve[sic] and new years day[sic] on to public beaches towns etc obviously have no education what so ever [sic] and to allow them loose is inviting huge dirt and discomfort to others.” 
“From now,” she adds, “I.[sic] Shall [sic] address the blacks of South Africa as monkeys as I see the cute little wild monkeys do the same pick drop and litter [sic]”.
Notice [sic] on these quoted post, The Latin adverb sic ("thus"; in full: sic erat scriptum, "thus was it written") inserted after a quoted word or passage, indicates that the quoted matter has been transcribed exactly as found in the source text, complete with any erroneous or archaic spelling,
surprising assertion, faulty reasoning, or other matter that might otherwise be taken as an error of transcription.

So finally I wonder what animal she and the 15 people that Liked her facebook post would compare these white people crowded at the UK beach and the dirt they left behind?

And if its indeed the dirt she speaks of, that got her disrespecting black people and saying they are not messy.. Are they not the ones most white people slave into cleaning up their mess in their houses? Oh well, that's my #Pennysparrow blog, #racistsmustfall #pennysparrowmustfall
Oh by the way, she wasn't the only one that decided to run up to facebook putting racist posts. Justin van vuuren posted too: [see below]
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This post is even worse with disrespect... Sies!
At least #pennysparrow "lost her job" and has a case opened against her... What will happen to #Justinvanvuurenisracist2!
